About my Keitai

Chip 'n' Dale

Korean Movie

My favorite photographic collection

Whisper of the Heart♪

My Bucket List

Bobo is swimming in the water with Jock. But Roxanne is very angry withThere are many island in the sea near Scotland. This story is about one of these islands. The name of the island is Lana. Lana isn't big, but it's very beautiful. It's very quiet, too. There are no houses or roads or cars on Lana. But there's a castle. The castle is very old. A young Scotsman lives in the castle. The Scotsman's name is Duncan McTarvish. Duncan lives in the castle with his dog, Jock. Duncan is very happy on his island. He likes going for walks with Jock. He likes swimming and fishing in his little boat. One day, Duncan met a girl. Duncun and Jean talk for a long time. "Where do you live?" Jean asks. "I live in castle," Dunncan says. "Come and see it ." Duncan , Jean and Jock go to the castle. "Your castle is beautiful," Jean says. "Yes," Duncan says. "But it's very cold and dark. There's no electricity. I have no money. I love my island very much. But I can't make money from it." Suddenly she says "People can come here for holidays. They can paint pictures of your island. I can teach them. And they can stay in your castle. We can make a lot of money!" "You're right!" Duncan says. Now McTavish Painting Holidays are very famous. Every year many visitors come to the island. Then Duncan and Jean have a lot of money and they are married now. Duncan often sits in his little boat. Sometimes he catches a fish, but usually he sleep. He's a happy man, I think.
Larry. "You don't love me!" she says. "And you don't love me," Larry says. "You
only love Bobo." "You're right," Roxanne says. She stands in the boat and starts
to hit Larry. "Don't do that!" Duncan says. The boat moves. Roxanne falls into
the water. She starts to scream.
Down the Rushing River

"Rapids ahead!" shouted Sam. "Watch out, Ben!" "I'm doing my best," saidThe story so far......The lift has taken the children to the Wild Woods, where they meet Obby, the Obbygobulum. Obby gives them Magic Toadstool Soup in his cave. He tells them about Gong, a wicked Giant. As he talks, crashing noises come from outside. The children escape in the lift- but what has happened to Obby? Now read on......The children in the lift to find out Obby. Sam 's finger was on the magic button. Then, they all looked at Mouse, who tried to look brave. Mouth didn't want to visit the Wild Woods again because the last time had been too scary but he didn't have time to think about it. Sam pressed the button. The door opened. They were in the same green glade as before- but this time, the sun wasn't shining. Everything was very still. "What's this?" said Ben. He picked up a crumpled piece of paper and smoothed it out. "GO HOME GONG!" he read. "It's one of Obby's posters," said Jojo. The green door to Obby's cave hung open on one hinge. Then they ran it. What a mess!!!!!!! "It looks like there's been a struggle," said Ben. "He didn't go quietly, that's for sure," said Jojo. Sam was kicking angrily at a big stone and then the stone moved!!!!!!!!!!!!!The stone is a "turtle". Myrtle know about Obby. He said "Bad news, I'm afraid, Sam. He 's been captured by the Gungees". He tells them about Obby's whereabouts but a long way. "If I were you, I'd use the river, at least for the first part. It's quicker," he said. Then, the children start to find out Obby using the raft. This story has more to follow so I want to try the next story!!
Ben, between clenched teeth. Mouse just covered his eyes.
Using the computer
I think, using the computer is a little bit hard for me because I'm poor at using the computer but it's really useful for a lot of people, especially a member of society. Many people can use the computer today so a lot of companies claim computer skill us. I think we wouldn't live in this world if we not have computers. Using the computer is cause "dry-eye" so it's not so good to use the computer for a long time. It's also cause "stiff shoulders", I think. I want to become a good user the computer. ☆97/3935☆ |
My favorite movies
My favorite movies are "Harry Potter", "The mummy" and "Between cool and passion". I go to see "Harry Potter" series every time. In this summer, "Harry potter and the Half-Blood Prince" will be released. I really want to see it but I'll have tests in the latter part of July so I don't know when I can see it. I also had seen "The mummy" series. Last year, I watched "The mummy 3" in Hikarinomori's movie theater with my boyfriend. It was not so better for me than "The mummy 1" and "The mummy 2". |
6/19, 20

Happy Time
A place in Kumamoto
1 year anniversary Jun.7th

Yesterday 6/4

I studied at KGU from 9a.m. to 6p.m. yesterday!! After school, I visited my boyfriend's working place near the cineplex. Then, we went to Hands-man in Ezu by his car:) I bought some stationery there. After the shopping, we went to "CoCo ichiban" to eat dinner which is a curry specialty store. It was very delicious!!!!!!
Green Island

Mrs Honey took the boat to the other side of the island. "You can get out,This story's main theme is "Environment" I think. Student of the class went to a big house called Seabay House. The next day, they did a beach study. "Sea-otters live on Green land," said Mrs Honey. "If you like, you can come to the island with me and watch me Fiona go." Mrs Honey had a boat. When they arrived the Green island, the children saw a small cave. There are many drums in there. "These drums have been dumped on Green Island. They are full of toxic waste.""Keep away from them, everyone," said Mr Johnson. "We should tell the police." Then, the boat stopped at the island and four people got out. They lifted some drums out of the boat and began to carry them towards the cave. "They're dumping more waste on the island," said Mrs Honey. Thanks to Mrs Honey's idea, The four people were arrested by the police!!!!! "What an adventure!" said Mrs May. The next day the story of Green Island was in the newspaper. The children were excited♪ I want to explore somewhere because I read this story!!!
and explore," she said. "If you keep quiet, you will see all kinds of
interesting sea birds." The children jumped out of the boat and went to look
around the island.
Key Trouble

He took the magic key out of his pocket and banged it again. "I don't like you,"
he yelled. "I want to go home"
Oxford Reading Tree YL=1.0-1.2 1278words
Foreign countries
My other class
The Aso shrine 阿蘇神社

The big cherry of Aso-isshingyo 阿蘇の一心行の大桜