In the morning, I had an engagement so I went to Yatsushiro city by my car. After that, I took out "black pepper chicken set" at the Mcdonald near the Yatsushiro IC. I ate it in my home. It's very hot and delicious:) After that, I went to KGU to hand in my other culture communication's paper and I went to KGU library to read "Jaran" and to study. After the study, I visited my boyfriend's home and I clearned his room for about an hour. Then he came back to his home and we went to eat dinner in "Odori-zushi". I ate eggs, shrimps and horse meat:) I love horse meat!!!! After the "Odori-zushi", we went to "Jolly-Pasta" and I ate cheese tart♡ It's very nice. He ate spagetti with meat sauce, garlic toast and apple juice. I had a good time with him.
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