again." "I'm glad we're going," thought Floppy, "but I'm sorry I can't take
the lovery bones." They went down the moutain as fast as they could.
The story's theme is "save Floppy" you know. Chip and Biff will get to rescue Floppy so they must go back into the adventure. Then the magic key did begin to glow. The magic took the children back into the last adventure. The magic took them to an island. Biff had been there before. It was the island where the giant bird had flown away with Floppy. Biff and Chip went as fast as they could, but it was hard work. They had to climb over big rocks. Suddenly there was a loud noise and a terrible smell. It was the evil genie. He was standing at the top the gully. "Ha! I can soon get rid of you," he shouted. The genie clapped his hands. Water began to gush down the gully. Biff and Chip had no time to climb out. The water rushed towards them. "Quickly, Biff! Climb on to this rock and hang on," shouted Chip. Then they helpd by Kamar. They began to climb the mountain again. It took them a long time to get to the tof of the mountain. At last they reachd the nest of the giant bird. Finally, they found out Floppy there. Floppy woke up and wagged his tail. The magic took them home. Kipper ran into Biff's room. "Hooray! You rescued Floppy!" he said. I really like Floppy!!!!!!! He is so cute♡
Oxford Reading Tree YL=0.9-0.9 1248words
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