Behind the waterfall there were some steps. The steps went up and up for a longThe next day was Mum's birthday. Chip had a box of chocolates for her. Kipper had made her a monkey at school. Biff didn't know what to get so she asked Anneena's mum to help her buy a plant. Biff found one that she liked. "I'll get this one for Mum," she said. The next day was Mum's birthday and the children gave her their presents. Mum liked them all. "Thank you," she said. "What a lovery plant, Biff!" Dad had a present for Mum. It was a plant. "I didn't know Biff had a plant as well," said Dad. "I don't mind a bit," said Mum. Suddenly, the magic took them into a jungle. The jungle was fuu of plants. Then they fell into a big net. It pulled them up in the air. "Help! Help!" called the children. A man and a lady came out of the trees. They were explorers. "Don't worry," said the lady, "we'll soon get you down." The explorers are looking for the Lost City. The children liked the explorers. They wanted to help them find the Lost City. They found a boat on the bank of the river and got in it. They came into a waterfall. The explorer could not stop the boat. The paddle had broken. The boat went through the waterfall. Then they found steps and climbed it. "If this is the way to the city, I can see how it got lost," said Anneena. "It's such a long way up." "It's te Lost City!" shouted the explorers. "We have found it at last." The man threw his hat in the air and his wife jumped up and down. "I knew we'd find it today," said Kipper. Nobody had been in the city for years. They went to a big building and they opened the doors. "Oh look!" they all gasped. Everything inside the building was made of gold. Suddenly, the key began to glow. "Goodbye," said to explorers. "Thank you for helping us find the Lost City." The magic took the children home. Biff still had the plant she found in the Lost City. I feel I want to buy some plants!!!!!!
way. Nobody could see how far they went. "This may be the way to the Lost City,"
said the lady. "Come on."
Oxford Reading Tree YL=0.7-0.8 969words
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